Volunteer Programs
The Lassen County Law Enforcement Chaplains Program was created in 2002. The program is currently staffed by three local chaplains who volunteer their time to support the program. The Lassen County Sheriff’s Office, Susanville Police Department, and California Highway Patrol, all participate in the program. The law enforcement chaplains aid the law enforcement community, and the people of Lassen County. They provide guidance, counseling, and comfort in times of crisis. The chaplains program has proven to be a valuable resource. The Chaplains have provided these services to law enforcement personnel and to members of the community. They are always available and have responded to support law enforcement and community members in critical incidents throughout Lassen County and the City of Susanville. They participate in ride-a-longs with the law enforcement agencies and also assist with traffic control during road closures for: vehicle accidents, parades, and the uptown main street “trick or treat” program.
Reserve Deputies
Reserve Deputies are those volunteers that serve on patrol working along side full time Deputy Sheriffs. The California Commission on Peace Officer Standards and Training (POST) oversees the state mandated training criteria for reserves. The training required to volunteer as a reserve is nearly that required of a full time peace officer. Retired California Sheriff's Deputies or Police Officers from other jurisdictions that have been away from service for less than three years likely meet the requirements to become reserves. Additionally, there are number of CDCR employees that have completed the POST certified field training (in addition to any CDCR specific training) and are qualified as reserve deputies. Reserves provide a valuable force augmentation to the Lassen County Sheriff's Office. Reserve Deputies often assist with the execution of search warrants, arrest warrants, crime scene security, the security of evacuated homes during emergencies, and donate countless hours of patrol time working with field deputies.
Search & Rescue
The Lassen County Search and Rescue Team has been operating for more than 40 years. The team is comprised solely of volunteers that donate their time and equipment in support of search operations within Lassen County. The Search and Rescue Team has deployed throughout Lassen County and in several other counties in California. Search and Rescue regularly assists in searching and locating missing persons. Historically, search and rescue also assisted in the recovery of evidence. The Search and Rescue Team has also worked in support of the Sheriff-Coroner function in the recovery of decedents.
Office Support
Civilian Volunteers also staff and support the clerical staff at the main office. Volunteers donate hours to assist with processing crime reports, civil papers, cataloging training hours, and helping maintain personnel files. Additionally, a number of volunteers have signed up to staff the Sheriff's Sub-Station in Doyle. The volunteers will staff the front lobby of the sub-station, field questions from the public, provide forms, and be an important liaison between the the public and the deputies serving Southern Lassen County.
Sheriff's Posse
The Lassen County Sheriff’s Posse was created in 1945. The Posse has many purposes: To further the welfare and peace of the county; to sponsor and conduct horse shows, rodeos and other public entertainment venues; and to assist the Sheriff in the maintenance of peace, enforcement of law and the suppression of riots and insurrections.The Sheriff’s Posse is involved in a number of community activities. They host the Little Britches Junior Rodeo for the youth. They host the annual Saint Jude’s Bizz Johnson Trail ride which raises funds for the Saint Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital. The Posse rides with the Sheriff in local parades. They provide security at the County Fair. They volunteer many hours of time at local rodeos and other equine activities. They provide a scholarship to help local graduates in their quest for higher education. The Sheriff’s Posse has proven to be a valuable asset to the Lassen County Sheriff’s Department and the citizens of the county.
Sheriff's Explorers
- The explorer program is operated in partnership with the "Learning for Life Program" associated with the Boy Scouts of America. Boys and Girls ages 14 - 20 are eligible to participate as in this program. Sheriff's Explorers meet twice per month and receive training and education about the criminal justice system and Sheriff's Operations. Explorers also participate in community events like the "Uptown Trick or Treat, Lassen County Children's Fair, Lassen County's 150 year anniversary, the Kiwanis Easter Egg Hunt, and the annual "Kidfest." Explorers also attend the High Intensity Explorer Academy Training Program (HEAT) The HEAT program is held each year in Nevada and is 3-day live in training experience hosted by Stead Army Base.