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2023 Red Ribbon Week Contest Winner!
Red Ribbon Week Door Contest
The Friday Night Live Program (FNL)
The Friday Night Live (FNL) program is designed for high school-aged young people and is motivated by youth-adult partnerships that create essential and powerful opportunities that enhance and improve local communities.
Friday Night Live Programs:
✩ Encourage young people to develop programs that are fun and meaningful.
✩ Promote messages through shared experiences.
✩ Encourage peer-oriented programming (youth-driven & youth-led).
✩ Are goal-directed, action-oriented, and innovative.
✩ Encourage and empower young people as active leaders and community resources.
✩ Have broad appeal to diverse ethnic, racial and social groups.
✩ Encourage youth to care about each other and their environment.
✩ Offer conferences and training opportunities for young people to develop leadership and life skills.
Club Live (CL) is an extension of the successful Friday Night Live program and is aimed at middle school age students. CL fosters resiliency and protective factors through the development of action-oriented chapters. At this time it is only available in Westwood.
The youth council is a county wide council that is being developed to help the youth in our community, assess what are problems for the youth in Lassen County and develop action steps to address these issues. The application is open to all high school aged students in Lassen County.
Botvin Life Skills Training (LST)
Is a research-validated substance abuse prevention program proven to reduce the risks of alcohol, tobacco, drug abuse, and violence by targeting the major social and psychological factors that promote the initiation of substance use and other risky behaviors. This comprehensive program provides adolescents and young teens with the confidence and skills necessary to successfully handle challenging situations. This program is done in schools in collaboration with other county agencies.
BRITE Futures
A program using Career Options & Opportunities to illustrate the many facets of career education. The program teaches youth skills such as decision-making, interpersonal relationships, self-evaluation, job seeking, communication, and problem solving.
Prevention Education Groups
An educational program for teens on various topics such as alcohol, drugs, healthy relationships, internet safety, tobacco, and more through workbooks and video curriculum from Human Relations Media.
Prevention Education Group (Parents)
An educational program for parents on teaching life skills to teenagers. This program utilizes the parent curriculum of the Botvin Life Skills Training, and combination of evidenced based curriculums from the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration website (